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Lindo Golf GTI do nosso amigo @chacal.automotive gerenciado por uma S4000. O carro possui vários upgrades entre eles, motor stroker 2.0, Turbo K27, Intercooler @spaturbo, bicos Deka 225, embreagem multi disco e bobinas do Audi R8! ????????????.
Check out the beautiful @chacal.automotive's
Golf GTI controlled by the S4000 ECU. The car has a lot of upgrades, between them: 2.0L stroker engine, K27 Turbo, @spaturbo intercooler, Deka injectors, multi disc clutch and Audi R8 coils! ????????????.

RENNAN MARTINS: ???? +55 45 99101-6622 -> http://bit.ly/RennanM.

EDUARDO DEITOS: ???? +55 45 99993-2133 -> http://bit.ly/EduardoD.

MAICO WEBER: ????+55 45 99908-6059 -> http://bit.ly/MaicoW.

ANDERSON CARVALHO: ???? +55 11 99182-1376 -> https://bit.ly/AndersonSP.

Suporte: ANDREY: ???? +55 45 99834-0022 -> http://bit.ly/SuporteAndrey.

????: +55 45 3037-4040.

#injepro #chacalautomotive #golfgti.